Tuesday, May 19, 2020


The human history is very much a history of control of power. And to control this power, humans have done many immoral things. Many so called leaders have come, who have tried to create a scenario of dominance. The history tells us that it was full of human enslavement. In authoritarian regimes, it is common to say that the masses are purely victims, in their enslavement unable to mount any any form of resistance due to the threat and force imposed by those in power. 

All governments, including the most tyrannical can only rule if they have the general support of the population.

Not only are those in power vastly outnumbered by over whom they rule but governments rely on the subjected populations on to provide them with the continual supply of resources and man power. 

If one day, the people refused to obey and stop surrendering their wealth and property, their oppression would in the words of “Etienne de la boetie” become naked and undone as nothing. 

Mass submission to over the most oppressive politician regimes is always a voluntary servitude. 

Most animals naturally instinct to be free, when an attempt is made to capture an animal, it flees in terror or also reacts with aggression. 
When placed in captitude, it’s native behaviour fades and is replaced by lathergy and despondency. 

In order for animals to be domesticated it requires numerous generation of selective breeding in order to eradicate the animals instinct to roam and be free.

La bortie asserts that, in human beings this Instinct for freedom is especially pronounced various social factors however has atrophies this nature instinct over time to the point where now the very hive of Liberty no longer seems natural.

One of those factors according to la bortie is the power influence of customs or in other word our tendency to become habitual to the social and conditions we were born into. 
Just like the animal born in capture knows nothing of freedom it lacks and hence does not resist its chains.

So to those born into state slavery the knowledge of what it means to be free and this tend to accept their servitude as if it were natural.

So when one spends early years of life watching those around them not resisting the oppressors, but accepts them and even adore them, the effects of custom tend to override the natural instinct for freedom and submission becomes normal and habitual.

But custom alone disks not account for readiness of which people consent to their servitude as ruling classes have long know that to maintain power they must play an active role in engineering.

In the modern days the instruments of tyranny have changed forms, but their essence remains the same. 

Another tactic for entering consent uses by ancient tyrants was analogous to what we call the welfare state today. 

In early time’s on selected days of the year ruling class used to distribute bread, alcohol and a little bit of money to their subjects and soon after those who were consent and satiated would cry o out long live the king.

The fools didn’t realised the library rights that were much recovering were just a portion of their own property and that their rule could not have given them what they were receiving without having first taken it from them. 

The ruler have also taken adoration and reverence of this subjects by opting techniques used by religions to make their authoritarian appear sacred. Myths, rituals, the use of religions, cult symbol in the construction of buildings symbolise power and authority resembling places of worship have long  been used by ruling classes to borrow in words by la boetie a stray bit of divinity, to boost the evil order. 

Just as there are those in all ages that seek to rule and exploit others, there exist individuals who instinctly rebel against form of servitude and thus are tortund by the chains which other appear not to notice.

These people use there time to educate themselves and to develop their critical capacities for the sake of awakening others of deceptive nature of political rule. 

As said by la boetie,

From all these indignities, such as the very beasts of the field would not endure, you can deliver yourselves if you try, not be taking action, but merely by willing to be free. Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces.

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