Monday, April 20, 2020

Meaning of life

One lives life fully, to its whole, until one day, one day when a thought arrives to him. "What is this all about ? Where are we heading . What's that use of living? Why are we born? In short " what is life about ? And what is its purpose ?"

It is easy to ignore such questions, I mean everyone does it. Otherwise none would have carried on life smiling and being happy. Such questions put a lot of weight on our mind. So we obviously ignore them or keep them for another day(that won't come)

To most of the people, these questions do not come. As they are indulged in the animal life or materialistic world. For them enjoyment or sensory pleasure is the ultimate goal. Their happiness is dependent on things/objects. (Do read Dialectic materialism - by Karl Marx). They are easily manipulated, bought etc. They follow a herd or a map given to them by the society. The map shows them at what age they have to do what things. If they do , life is fulfilled and if not, they suffer. This life is what I call animal life. Nothing more than that.

Others are those who overcome this lower level animal life. They want to understand the concept of life as it is. They dont live in a fantasy, like buying a car, house, career etc. They have a higher purpose to understand and introspect themselves. They are true philosophers.They dont look for happiness in externals, but find it internally. While gaining knowledge, if something structs to them, that they themselves posses wrong things, they do not ignore it or blame others.But they acknowledge it  and try to change. The search of life for them is never ending thing. They go through pessimisim, nihilism etc. Suffering is a joy to them. The search for truth in itself becomes the purpose of life.

The path to search of true meaning, is full of hardships, suffering, and pain. Even after putting its whole life in search of it, does not guarentee that the truth would be revealed. It is like putting your hands wilfully in fire, they would burn but you would experience the feeling. In this process he has to leave all what he likes and accept what it hates. Only a person who is ready to go offlimit can find it, one who battles the herd and overcomes itself. The process can be tiresome, burden full. One can go retard in the process, depression might hit him, challenges of mental instability could come. But, the path for the person who really wants to understand the life, becomes easy, as all things which he hated is accepted by him now. There is nothing to fear from. The journey must be kept fruitful, as the end might never come. 

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