Sunday, November 1, 2020

Know yourself

It’s not wrong to say that, knowing oneself has become a difficult task.

In a world where doing something constantly is seen as productive, it becomes important for us to understand what matters and what not. 

We are bombarded with information everywhere we go. Information is supplied to us,  which may not be important. But the fear of missing out information has lead us to take everything and this in turn turned us into 24*7 exhaust machine.

It becomes necessary for us to understand ourselves. We may never have looked inside ourselves, due to ignorance, we might have thought these things wont provide us with any help. But starting to understand oneself is the best thing one can do. 

To start with, one must write down all things one likes(non materialistic things) and other things which one hates. All are likes and dislikes are associated with our past experiences. One may have encountered with situations which may have resulted us into fear about certain things. Other experiences might be childhood happenings, which had scared into our thoughts subconsciously. These subconscious memories work as defense whenever we are triggered with situations we fear. But If one practically examines, it becomes easy to know that these things are not actually to be feared about, but are a result of ignorance. 

We humans generally ignore things which we dislike, as we have memories and experiences associated with them. Same goes on with things we like. In situations like these, one must understand, other people may find these situations easy which we find hard. Same with things which we disliked are liked by others. If these things were actually so bad, they would have been universally bad. But it depends from person to person. They may have encountered situations which were perfectly handled in there childhood and hence not rooted as bad memories. 

If we understand that our reactions to things are in our control. And things which are beyond our control. Then life would become easier. Like we don’t need to continuously intake information, as there are people who live without information and they live happily. One must understand, consumerism has become so common that everybody wants to sell us ideas, information etc. These things are just a product to be sold to us. They do not alter our life in huge amounts.(social media).

One should try sitting alone without doing anything. Analyzing our thoughts, being aware of our breath and natural changes. We are here not to continuously be in a state of mind of pressure. Time may slip from our hands without understanding ourselves and it would be really late to take actions if not now.

Procrastination about such life changing decisions is also one sought of deep rooted fear from our old memories. So starting with a simple step could lead us to a change which would benefit us for the lifetime. 


1 comment:

  1. In this fast paced world, where everyone is running on a race track that has no ending, pausing for a moment, and taking a step back helps us reflect on what's important and what's not. Wonderfully written. 🙌


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